As a person who uses our services, a relative or carer of someone who does, or a member of the public, there may be times when you need information, help, advice and support.
Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service is committed to listening to people to continuously improve services. They will work with you to resolve any concerns or complaints you may have.
- To provide information about services both here at our Trust, and signpost you to external organisations where your feedback relates to them.
- To contact services within our organisation on your behalf.
- To listen to any concerns, you may have and helping to resolve them.
- To pass on your feedback and compliments to staff and services.
- To advise how you can make a compliant or raise concerns.
- To signpost you to local advocacy services to assist you in making a complaint if necessary.
- To make our service as accessible and transparent as possible.
The PALS team will also notice trends in concerns raised and use this to review our services, make changes and improve the experience of people who use our services.
Before you make a complaint, we encourage you to discuss your concerns informally with the Matron or Ward/Service Manager who is close to the source of your concerns.
The Trust is commited to improving care and involving people who use our services and the public in everything they do.
Sharing a compliment
We always welcome compliments so if you would like to share a positive experience please get in touch with us by emailing or calling the team on:
01372 216202
We are available from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday and will respond to your query within 2 working days.
Making a complaint
Before you make a complaint we encourage you to discuss your concerns informally with the matron or ward / service manager who is close to the source of your concern.
If there are issues that cannot be resolved speedily or you would like a more formal approach to be taken to resolve your concerns we will:
- Clarify your complaint with you to find out exactly what you are unhappy about and what you want to see happen as a result of your complaint
- Agree together on the best way to get a satisfactory solution to your concerns or the problems you are experiencing (in other words, we will agree a plan of action)
- Once your complaint has been looked into we will write to you to explain how the complaint has been resolved and what appropriate action has been taken.
A senior manager is appointed to look into the concerns raised within the complaint. They liaise with the members of staff involved and ask for their views on your concerns and an explanation of what happened.
We will share with you our findings, and should there be any outstanding concerns we will continue to work with you to try and resolve these issues.
How to get started
If you want to make a complaint then you will need to tell us what happened, when it happened, and who it happened to. Complete our simple form which helps you provide all the information we need to get started.
Download the form to print off and complete:
Once you have completed the form please return it to:
PALS and Complaints
18 Mole Business Park,
Randall's Road,
KT22 7AD
Our promise to you
People who use services and their carers will not be treated in any adverse way as a result of making a complaint.
If you speak to PALS on behalf of a friend or relative, we will need to seek their permission to share confidential information, unless the enquiry is of a general nature about how services are delivered. Confidentiality is respected at all times.
Contacting us
You can get in touch with us by completing a complaint form here, emailing or calling the team on:
All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
We are available from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday and will respond to your query within 2 working days.
Complaints are acknowledged within three working days.
Further help and advice
If you require advice, independent of the Trust, you can contact your local NHS Complaints Advocacy Service:
Healthwatch Surrey
in partnership with Surrey Independent Living Council
Tel: 01483 310 500
Text: 07704 265377
Healthwatch Hampshire
Tel: 02392 459 924
Other advocacy services and help lines
MIND: 0300 123 3393
Saneline: 0300 304 7000
Action for Carers, Surrey: 01483 302 748
Carers Together, NE Hants: 0800 032 3459
Samaritans: 116 123
What if I remain unhappy about the investigation?
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the local resolution process you may ask the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to consider your complaint.
Tel: 0345 015 4033